
Thor ragnarok loki
Thor ragnarok loki


His three years of ruling Asgard have given him a sense of complacency. Aw, Look - They Really Do Love Each Other: To Loki's visible surprise, Odin and Thor do in fact still love him.An Aesop: According to Taika Waititi, the moral of the film is "talking is better than fighting.".


Thor would later call her his half-sister while Word of God would state that Frigga was her mother, thereby making her Thor's full sister.

  • Ambiguous Situation: It's never made clear who Hela's mother was.
  • He has no problem enslaving people and forcing them to fight to the death for his amusement, but objects to people being insulting around his throne room and dislikes the word "slave." Loki even summarizes him as "a lunatic but amenable."
  • Affably Evil: The Grandmaster is very friendly and upbeat for a tyrant.
  • In-Universe, Lady Sif in Loki's retelling of Dark World.
  • It can still bestow his power onto those who are worthy but to Thor, it was only ever a hammer.
  • Mjølnir's status as such is complete when it's revealed to be nothing more than Thor's Magic Feather.
  • He does laugh off Thor threatening him but it's not clear if that's due to any natural fighting ability or just the Restraining Bolt that's on Thor. Here he appears to be nothing more than a mortal with slowed aging, enhanced durability, and political influence.
  • The Grandmaster was a Physical God/ Reality Warper in the comics.
  • thor ragnarok loki

  • AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle: According to Skurge, Texas is "Tex-ass" and Asgard is known as "Ass-gard.".
  • As for Portman, she simply just didn't want to do the role anymore. In Alexander's case, her commitments to Blindspot prevented her from returning.
  • Absentee Actor: This is the first Thor film that doesn't include Natalie Portman, Jaimie Alexander, Kat Dennings, and Stellan Skarsgard.
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  • thor ragnarok loki

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  • Thor ragnarok loki