
Tarot card five wands
Tarot card five wands

If this sounds like you, use your jealousy as a compass that highlights the things you want and go from there. It can appear at times when you’re too busy watching what other people are doing instead of getting to work building your own empire. There will be times when the conflict of the Five of Wands is imaginary, not real. However, if you’re the one hating on others, this could spell trouble if you’re not channeling your emotions correctly. If you’re the victim of someone else’s envy, this is good it means you’re doing something right. The Five of Wands often warns of conflict that may not appear so dangerous at the time. When push comes to shove, are you about to sink or swim? With this tension comes an opportunity for you to prove yourself. The Five of Wands speaks of the strife, but not the overall results. Based on the surrounding cards in your spread, you can tell the tone of this competitiveness. The Five of Wands is a brilliant card for those involved in competitive sports, as it embodies the energy of sportsmanship. Sometimes, this card can predict friendly competitiveness the guys down at the bar with their eyes on the same girl, the football teams, and the co-workers after the same promotion will all appear as the Five of Wands. The meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot card is ‘competitiveness.’ When the Five of Wands card rears its head, you can confidently predict that you’re about to engage in competition with a rival at some point in the future.

Tarot card five wands